Buenos Aires

Know Buenos Aires is your go to website if you are visiting Buenos Aires. Here you will find in an organized fashion everything you need to know.

Learn about our culture, discover and go places, cafes, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, find your stay and learn our language if that is something you want to do

What are you looking for?

We want to make this website as simple and easy as possible. You will find more categories within each category all organized and sorted out.
For example, you can check out what¿s on in Culture-Sports-Watch a game/play yourself with others-in a specific neighborhood.

IMPORTANT: This website is on the making. Only the categories with the red blur are the articles that have been written or are been written.

Festivals & Events



Rooftop Bars

Speak Easy Bars

Night Clubs

Making it easier for you

We want you to:

Visit interesting places

Learn about argentina and argentinian ways

Make friends

Find acommodations easily

Learn how to navigate the city

All in just one website

What people say

Quam sodales volutpat eget aliquet massa urna risus faucibus turpis malesuada nibh dictum elementum ornare tristique.
Julia Keys
UI Designer
Sed adipiscing adipiscing feugiat platea egestas varius eget enim laoreet pharetra, vulputate vitae elementum bibendum neque
Richard Durgan
Graphic Designer
Dui, ultrices odio ipsum morbi sit semper nunc neque fames at elit praesent purus molestie eget
Pete Anderson
Visual Artist